
Showing posts from April, 2024

How to Create Alert Notification!

 Hello Mule'es,          In this Blog, you are going to learn about "How to Create Alert Notification"! Let's Begin👍! Alert Notification:  when any error occurs in the application, it will inform to the particular recipient through mail. Let's see how it works! As we already seen deployment of customer-e-api in our previous blog, If not please go through my  blog "Deploying in cloud Hub". Let's Begin👍! Let's create one more mule configuration file in customer-e-api that call-alert.xml. img-1 This consist of cloud hub create Notification, so that if any error triggers it will redirect the  error message to the particular recipient. img-2 This is a sub flow whose name is cloud notification. Let's drag a Transform Message which captures the error details!  img -3 Now drag and drop the set variable component. Set the variable name as message and value as payload. img-4 Logger is used to print the content in the console. img -5 Now, we are ...

Deploying in Cloud Hub!

 Hello Mule'es,          In this Blog, you are going to learn about "How to deploy in cloud Hub"! Let's Begin👍!     You guys are now aware of creation of RAML, if not please go through my blogs "How to Create  RAML"! After Successful Creation of Raml, let's deploy in the cloud Hub. To do so, we need to create an  auto discovery Id for customer-e-api.  Steps to add auto Discovery Id: 1. Go to API Manager in Anypoint Platform. img-1 2. Click on Add API and select Add new API img - 2 3. Select Mule- Gateway Run time img- 3 4. Click on Next. 5.  API :  select API from Exchange. 6. Now choose the API to which you need to add auto discovery Id, then click on Next. 7. Ignore the rest of the fields for now and remain as it is. img - 4 8. Now in Downstream tab, leave the fields as it is and click on Next. 9.  In Upstream tab, leave the fields as it is and click on Next. 10. click on save. 11. Now it will create an API Instanc...

How to Create a RAML!

 Hello Mule'es,          From this blog, you will get to know, how to Create a RAML. What is RAML? RAML stands for RESTful API Modeling Language. It describes about API which is easily readable by  both human and computers. Now, I have created a Customer-API, which consists of 4 endpoints( getCustomer, addCustomer,  updateCustomer and deleteCustomer) with 4 methods get, post, put and delete respectively. Before Creating an API, I created a Fragment that includes examples, types, traits.  please refer the below screen shots.                                            img: 1-Fragment  Examples:  This consists of Requests and Responses. img-2  requests: These requests contain sample Json payload, so that whatever the data you are sending, it should be in  that particular format. For instance, Sample payload: [   ...